Today is DAY FORTY-TWO, which makes SIX WEEKS of the Omer.
This is an exciting week for Kol Dorot. On Monday, we officially welcomed Vivian Davis, our new Executive Director, to the Kol Dorot staff. As the co-presidents shared in their announcement earlier this month, the Executive Director is a key part of our longterm vision, and Vivian's presence is going to have a big impact as she oversees Kol Dorot's finances, operations, and much more.
To get to know Vivian, CLICK HERE or on the video below. I know she is excited to meet all of you, virtually for now and in person when possible. To say "welcome," Vivian can be reached at
May we go from strength to strength.
Rabbi Noah
Torah for Today
Anat Katzir, Kol Dorot Educator
As we approach Shavuot, the holiday that commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, we are basing our day-by-day teachings on each of the Ten Commandments.
Commandment #4: "זָכ֛וֹר֩ אֶת־י֥֨וֹם הַשַּׁבָּ֖֜ת לְקַדְּשֽׁ֗וֹ"
"Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy."
I have read a lot in recent years about the meaning and interpretations of the relationship of “remember” and “keep”. It seems that the majority of our Jewish life is in the way we invite these elements into our lives through learning, storytelling and rituals. My personal connection with Shabbat was mostly shaped by two main experiences: life in Israel and Jewish summer camp.
In Israel, my family was mostly a non-practicing Jewish family. While there was a strong emphasis on “remember” - knowing the texts and the history of our people, there was very little “keep”. Shabbat was felt very clearly in our surrounding, stores closed, public transportations did not operate and Friday afternoons were eerily quiet, but our family has not observances or rituals that made it meaningful for us. As a child, not being able to take a bus to my friends’ houses or go to stores together was mostly an inconvenience rather than an appreciated break from routine. Shabbat was kept, but not by choice. For me, nothing about it felt holy.
When I was 16, I was invited to join a delegation from my youth group, the Israeli branch of BBYO, and spend the summer at B’nai Brith Perlman Camp in Starlight, PA. This was my first encounter with any overnight camp and with a Jewish youth group. During that summer I learned countless rituals. Some had to do with Jewish practice, some with camp and some with being part of a youth group. The experience was more than magical, in the moments, like Shabbat, where the Jewish heritage, camp and the community were celebrated in unison- it truly felt holy.
My personal memories of these two types of Shabbat experiences, have informed and shaped the choices Ophir and I have made in putting in place our own rituals and finding the balance of “remember” and “keep”. Over time our rituals and stories continue to grow and change based on the community we are surrounded by, the age of our children and our own needs for practice and the way we relate to the holiness.
I hope you all find times in your Jewish journeys to figure out the right “remember” and “keep” balance in your Shabbat. And to finish my thoughts on this commandment, it has a great “sign off” phrase: “Keep it holy”!
Coming Next Week
*NEW* Rosh Chodesh Service
Monday, 5/25, 10:00am
Check your daily email for details on how to join
Join Cantor Sarah and the Women of Kol Dorot for a special Rosh Chodesh service, celebrating the new Hebrew month of Sivan. We will also engage in a lively discussion about the Book of Ruth.
Get Ready for Shabbat
*LIVE* Candle Lighting and Shabbat Blessings
Friday, 5/22, 6:00pm
Check your daily email for details on how to join
*LIVE*Friday Night Shabbat Service
Friday, 5/22, 7:30pm
Check your daily email for details on how to join
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
Saturday, 5/23, 9:00-10:00am
Check your daily email for details on how to join
Havdallah with Cantor Sarah
Saturday, 5/23 (Details in tomorrow's email.)