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Shabbat Author Series Shabbat Lunch Saturday March 1 at 12noon Hearing the Voices of Biblical Women Through Midrash. Rabbi Marla Feldman

Shabbat Author Series Shabbat Lunch Saturday March 1 at 12 noon. Hearing the Voices of Biblical Women Through MidrashRabbi Marla Feldman What were biblical women thinking and doing when the men around them received all the attention and glory? Through the ancient literary art of midrash, we can discover inspiring tales of biblical women and find wisdom for our modern lives. Using her book “Biblical Women Speak,” Rabbi Marla Feldman will explain what midrash is, share tales of biblical women, and reveal how their stories continue to be relevant today. Over the course of four sessions, beginning in-person March 1 and continuing with three zoom sessions, participants will creatively engage with the biblical text and gain the tools to create their own modern midrash.  Zoom Sessions will be Monday March 3, 10 and 17 at 7:30 pm.   Rabbi Feldman's book "Biblical Women Speak" will be available for purchase and author signing at this event.

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